Grace Foundation’s Seven Patterns of Missionary Multiplication: 1. Pattern of Spiritual life (let others see Christ in them); 2. Pattern of cultural affinity (evangelize to people of the same culture); 3. Pattern of caring for the elderly (soup and meals on wheels) and the young (orphans and refugees to be nourished and trained); 4. Pattern of doing mission while fully employed in one’s own vocation; 5. Pattern of mission around feeding the flock (with restaurants training chefs and servers, and using profits to support missions ) ; 6. Pattern of “passing the torch” to continue the fire of mission; 7. Pattern of life-long care for a growing elderly population (utilizing trust funds  for retirement homes). Through these seven “patterns or modes” of mission, Grace Foundation’s objective is to reach out to the three million refugees in Northern Thailand, helping them to find God’s Kingdom and abundant life on earth by training them to earn an independent living (through various service sectors like restaurants, caregiving, teaching, etc. ) so that they can also at the same time reach out to and care for non-believers in their own communities (young and old) and culture (with same language).

Hear Pastor Stephen Lee’s Sermons on this topic in for Sunday worship, July 5, 2020 and July 12, 2020: